The Filmonik “Gorilla” Micro Kabaret August 2012


The Filmonik “Gorilla” Micro Kabaret: 
Friday 10th - Sunday 12th August.

Sunday August 12th, 7.30pm till Late
Kraak Gallery, Manchester, M1 1DB, United Kingdom

At Filmonik, we’re well acquainted with the slogan, "do well with nothing, do even better with a little and do it right now!" It’s the credo of the Kino00 movement, where creativity, skill, passion and commitment are pushed to the limit and sheer love of filmmaking wins the day. And yet… during a full Kabaret we are blessed with some of life’s little luxuries - equipment, a work space and a modicum of time. Fearing that we might all be getting soft and taking it a little too easy, we’ve decided to up the ante. 

It’s time for the Gorilla Kabaret 2012

The concept is simple. We will be arranging a “pitching session” at 10.30am on Friday 10th August at a location to be announced. Here introductions will be made, weapons revealed (skills, cameras, computers, lighting, props, ideas etc), and collaborations forged. Participants will then have from the end of the meeting until show time to make a film for Sunday’s screening.  

Every film must arrive at the screening by 8pm, and must contain the credit "Gorilla Kabaret #4, Filmonik screening #58".

This event is open to over 18s only.
Do well with nothing, do even better with a little, and do it now!
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